From mega self-care + wellness… to a kickass career… from love + relationships... to travel + leisure. It’s all about Work / Life Balance -- and we’ve got ya covered, babe!
Ever felt like one day (without your prior written consent) you became an adult, got thrown into the real world, and you’re still waiting for the day your current boss realizes you’re a woman-child who has no idea what’s she’s doing… and also, how did you get hired in the first place? Me too. But […]
The #1 question I’m asked when it comes to career advice is: “HOW THE F#@& AM I SUPPOSED TO BREAK INTO THIS BIZ?!” First off, good question. Second, watch your language beeyotch! 😉 I’m working on a video (that’ll go live on soon) with a major breakdown of the life of a TV Host, how the […]
Start with these killer posts to help you #bossuptoyourbestlife.